Understanding Wheel Alignment: Camber, Caster, and Toe

If you've ever taken your car to a mechanic shop in London,Ontario , you might have heard them talk about the importance of aligning your vehicle. Car alignment is crucial to maintaining your car's overall health and performance. When a mechanic talks about aligning your car, they're typically referring to three critical angles: camber, caster, and toe. These angles play a significant role in determining how your car handles, steers, and rides. Camber refers to the angle of the wheels when viewed from the front or rear of the car. Caster refers to the angle of the steering axis when viewed from the side of the car. Finally, the toe refers to the angle at which the wheels point inward or outward when viewed from above. Your mechanic will use specialized tools and equipment to measure these angles accurately and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your car's alignment is just right. 1. Camber: - Camber is all about how your car's tires lean when you...